From Creative Block to Flow

Creativity Coaching


  • Choose the slot that’s convenient for you through the calendar. You’ll get a confirmation email for your 30 minute enquiry call.

  • You get to discuss what you're stuck with, and what your needs and goals are in your 30-minute enquiry call with Rosa. A timeframe for turnaround is agreed.

  • Costs start at £180 for a 2-hour Creativity Coaching session. The overall cost depends on the type and length of the project. For example, prepping a coaching session for a full length book takes a lot more time than prepping for a 15 minute short film.

  • This can be sent digitally or as a hard copy, depending on the type of project and your preference.

  • Schedule your slot via our Calendar. Discuss your creative project, receive thorough feedback, get unstuck and get back on track.

  • Within 7 days of your 1:1, receive the main points discussed to refer to in your own time.

Need support and accountability on a project you’re struggling to complete? We can also help you with that!

“If you are a typical creative and tend to lose sight of the forest for the trees, then she's your person.”

"Rosa managed to dig me out of a deep hole I'd been stuck in for years. I'd written a very personal book about family and family history but it was so far away from what I'd intended that I didn't try to promote it. It did not feel right and for a couple of years after I'd finished it I was constantly thinking about the story and how bad I felt that I'd failed. 

First thing she did was tell me that I had not failed, that it was the right thing to do at the time and that now was the time to write 'from the heart'. She guided me back onto the path I needed to follow to do the story justice. 

She listened to my confusion and extracted clarity and a positive direction. I had to read and re-read her notes and think a lot about what she'd said over the course of our conversations till I got it. Only then I could start the re-write which I'm now in the process of doing and feel a tremendous sense of freedom and happiness.

She is incredible. If you are a typical creative and tend to lose sight of the forest for the trees, then she's your person.

Highly recommended."

— B. R.

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