Past Life Regression

“We tend to exclusively focus on the meaning of life. Yet, it is the meaning of death which can completely change our perception of the meaning of life, of our place in it, and of our experience of grief.”

— Rosa Abidi

Esssentials of Past Life Regression

  • Regression simply means being guided back to an earlier time to examine particular events or situations. This technique is used in many different types of therapies, including hypnotherapy, and it’s involves exploring earlier times in this life.

  • Some people spontaneously regress to past lives in hypnotherapy sessions, whilst others experience flashes of past life memories in their waking state, independent from the therapeutic experience.

  • For most people, root causes of emotional, mental, physical or spiritual issues are to be found in this life, and there is no need to look any further. However, there are situations where the root cause is to be found in previous lives. Most importantly, whether one believes in past lives or not, exploring them can bring about profound healing. For many people, this is reason enough to be open to the experience.

  • Past Life Regression Therapy (or Past Life Therapy) explores previous lives to uncover the root of a problem. For example, the root cause of many unexplained phobias, sudden unexplained physical aches and pains, or even some relationship issues or weight problems in this life, can be found in past lives.

  • We do. However, we usually start with regular hypnotherapy to first ascertain if the root cause of an issue is to be found in this life. When it’s not, then we offer past life therapy. We offer one-off past life regression sessions for self-exploration and self-understanding.

  • The concept is part of the religious belief system of many parts of the world, and was at one time part of the teachings of some of the monotheistic religions too. Nowadays, it is usually dismissed in the West as the stuff of mystics, or wishful and gullible spiritual seekers. Yet, there is academic research available in the West, and when one takes the time to look into it, the evidence of past lives is difficult to ignore.

  • Some may be made up. However, there are numerous books on the subject, and by asking family, friends and acquaintances, you may be surprised by what you hear too! For the more scientifically inclined, the University of Virginia's School of Medicine has been conducting research on children and past lives for the past 50 years, on every continent. There are innumerable accounts of accurate and verified descriptions of ordinary and often obscure individuals' lives, that cannot be explained on any other ground.

  • You can, as long as you are actually open to the experience. Otherwise, it may be a waste of your time and money.

  • Each individual’s experience is unique, and we can’t know for certain. What is useful to bear in mind is that whether imagined or not, the experience can actually bring about profound self-understanding and healing.

  • We use hypnosis to guide you through this exploration, and the 4 key elements to a state of hypnosis are: 

    •      A relaxed mind

    •      A relaxed body

    •      Concentration

    •      Imagination

    As you may remember, when someone is engrossed in reading a book, watching a film, contemplating nature, in a daydream or performing an activity without realising it - for example driving or walking home on 'auto-pilot', they are in a state of 'trance' or hypnosis. We all experience this state, often several times a day, to varying degrees. 

    So most people can experience hypnosis, except for people under the influence of drugs, alcohol or certain types of medication, and those experiencing psychosis. Individuals who find it difficult to let go of control will also struggle to experience hypnosis, though this can be overcome. Again, those who are not willing to enter that state, simply won't.

  • Whether online or in-person, you will be gently guided to a completely relaxed state, which will allow you to have a focussed, heightened state of awereness. It is often described as a dream-like state. It is in this state that the unconscious, the repository of all memories, is more easily accessible.

  • A one-off session lasts 3 hours.

  • A three-hour regression session costs £380.

“I am usually anxious and stressed, and I've been able to discover how to untie emotional knots, thanks to these sessions.”

— S. T.

Contact us to find out how we can help you